One of the most recurring questions in the pediatrician or between mothers is

When can I bathe the baby? 

With today's post we want to explain some important points so that you know when, how and why you should respect the baby's skin.

The newborn undergoes a great change when going from a liquid medium to an aerial medium, so the skin goes through an adaptation phase. This translates to more sensitive and prone to change skin.

At the time of delivery you will see how a very fat substance coats the newborn. This layer is called cheesy vernix and offers you protection during pregnancy from:

  • the humidity of the amniotic fluid
  • from cracking
  • possible chafing
  • infections around you.


It is your natural protection. This substance should remain intact the first days of the baby's life and let it disappear naturally without being washed.

You will also see very fine and soft hair, called lanugo, It covers the scalp, cheeks, shoulders and back. Sometimes it is more abundant than others and disappears in the first weeks of life.

Depending on the duration of the pregnancy, the baby's skin will vary. Premature babies often have thinner, more transparent skin than a full-term baby.

A few days after birth, the baby's skin begins to flake, which is totally normal, don't worry! Although moisturizer is applied you will see that it continues its peeling process and disappears on its own.

The skin is the largest organ in the body made up of three layers:

The epidermis: The most superficial layer (formed by (stratum corneum, granules and layer piel del bebé - experiencia bebébasal)

The dermis: (contains nerves so it is the one that registers heat, pain, touch)

Hypodermis or subcutaneous fat: (fatty tissue that baby develops from the third trimester of pregnancy. It is insulating and protects from bumps)

It is evident, at first glance, that a baby's skin is different from that of an adult, so the baby needs different care. These are the differences:

  • The epidermis and the stratum corneum (outermost layer of epidermis) they are thinner, it has less hair, making the protective barrier less effective. Greater propensity for bacterial infections, wounds, skin irritations, greater water loss, etc.
  • It is more permeable and sensitive to substances such as saliva, urine, and feces.
  • Ph is neutral
  • The weight of the baby's skin is greater than that of an adult (13% baby / 3% adult). So if we expose the baby to a toxic product, the contact will be greater so that allergies, contact irritation or long-term problems can occur more easily.
  • It's in I continue development during the first years of life.
  • To the lack acid mantle, which works as a barrier, water, soaps or cleansers can affect it, making it more alkaline, altering the flora of the skin and increasing water loss.
  • All these factors too They influence the baby's exposure to UV rays, which can cause short and long-term injuries.

For all this, at the time of birth it is recommended not to bathe the baby with soaps to keep the vernix cheesy. It is best to wash her only with water to clean the blood that may be left at the time of delivery. But don't worry because that part will be done by the midwife.

Subsequently, the bathroom during the first month of life It is not essential, just cleaning the areas that are most exposed to dirt is enough. It is true that bathing the baby is something that is very exciting, but you should not be in a hurry.

From month of age48 hours after the umbilical cord falls, you can now bathe your baby in complete peace of mind!


In the next post we will explain how to bathe the baby, what you will need and if it is necessary to bathe him every day.


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